Articles & Handouts

Greetings All,

Welcome to the Articles & Handouts page for We are glad you are here! We envision a forum where you can talk freely among yourselves about issues, ideas, questions, and thoughts about literacy teaching and learning, staff development, education policy, and education in general. We will post articles of interest for your pleasure and to stimulate broad based discussion among you. We very much look forward to hearing from you!


Stephanie Harvey

Comprehension Continuum

This is the Comprehension Continuum chart that Stephanie distributed at her recent workshop at the Arizona Reading Association.

Chapter from Comprehension Going Forward

Our first post is my chapter in Comprehension Going Forward: Where We Are and What’s Next, an upcoming book to be published by Heinemann in February of 2011. Edited by Smokey Daniels, this book includes chapters from some of your favorite authors including Anne Goudvis, Ellin Keene, Marjorie Larner, Debbie Miller, Cris Tovani and more. It takes a look at the state of comprehension instruction today and offers a view of where it is headed in the future. Comprehension Going Forward concludes with a reflective, thoughtful and very compelling afterword by P.